Episode 4

Land Access (Part Two)

Release Date: June 26, 2022

We explore the issues of accessing land that are facing young farmers today. We’re thrilled to hear from Hannah Hunter and Natalie Childs of Agricola Cooperative Farm/Ferme Agricola about their journey accessing land and the principles upon which they run their operation today. Don’t miss this conversation about collaboration, worker’s cooperatives, and the foundational importance of communication and relationship building in strengthening a farm business.

Follow along with Hannah and Natalie’s farm and reach out to connect about co-ops!

As always, a huge thank you to the National Farmers Foundation (NFF)


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Hannah Hunter & Natalie Childs

Hannah and Natalie are two of the four cooperative members of Agricola Farm, a certified organic 140 acre mixed vegetable, cut-flower, and asparagus farm that is managed by a worker’s cooperative. The cooperative members alongside a farm team market their goods through a farmers’ market, community supported agriculture program, farm store, and a cooperative, farmer-run full diet CSA program.


Aliyah Fraser

Aliyah is a Kitchener-based farmer who owns and operates a quarter acre market garden called Lucky Bug Farm on rented land in Waterloo Region where she grows a variety of produce for a small CSA program. The farm operates within the Haldimand Tract in Kitchener, Ontario and is on the traditional territory of the Mississauga, Anishnabeg, Attiwonderonk (neutral) and Haudenoshaunee peoples. She imagines a food system where more people have access to ecologically grown food, where there is less waste and where there’s a better understanding of the labour it takes to get food from the farm to the table. Aliyah also has an undergraduate degree in Environmental Studies in Urban planning from the University of Waterloo. She believes that food and housing are human rights. She lives in Kitchener, Ontario with her partner Thomas and cat Frankie.

luckybugfarm.com | @luckybugfarm