Episode 2

What’s the deal with Québec?

Release Date:

In this episode, the crew takes all the hype heard about Québec, the solutions the province is offering to successfully encourage farm renewal, and offers examples of  personal stories and systemic decisions happening on the regional level. With help from farmers, policy folks and land access supporters, a dream of a national land access strategy for farmers takes shape, seeking the lessons we can learn from a government that wants to solve this issue, and what we can demand from governments that need to do much, much more.


Larkspur Farm / IG: @larkspurfarmsblooms


Other Episodes in this series



Aliyah Fraser

Aliyah is a Kitchener-based farmer who owns and operates a quarter acre market garden called Lucky Bug Farm on rented land in Waterloo Region where she grows a variety of produce for a small CSA program. The farm operates within the Haldimand Tract in Kitchener, Ontario and is on the traditional territory of the Mississauga, Anishnabeg, Attiwonderonk (neutral) and Haudenoshaunee peoples. She imagines a food system where more people have access to ecologically grown food, where there is less waste and where there’s a better understanding of the labour it takes to get food from the farm to the table. Aliyah also has an undergraduate degree in Environmental Studies in Urban planning from the University of Waterloo. She believes that food and housing are human rights. She lives in Kitchener, Ontario with her partner Thomas and cat Frankie.

luckybugfarm.com | @luckybugfarm


Madeline (Maddie) Marmor

Maddie is a landless farmer born in downtown Toronto. She has been farming for the past 8 years on farms throughout Ontario and has grown food on the current and traditional lands of the Houdensaunee, Anishinabewaki, Attiwonderonk, Mississauga, Odawa, Wendake-Nionwentsïo, Petun, Saugeene – Ojibiway nations. Over the years she has come to recognize the privilege and political significance of farming on stolen land, knowledge which has informed her dedication to food sovereignty and agroecology. She is an active member of the National Farmers Union, sits on the North American Nyéléni Coordination and accompanies systems change in food spaces as an adult education facilitator. 


Stuart Oke

Stuart is a young farmer from Eastern Ontario who, alongside his partner Nikki, owns and operates Rooted Oak Farm, a 12 acre organic vegetable and cut flower farm. After years of renting land Rooted Oak in 2020 relocated to Eastern Ontario, and the traditional territory of the Anishinabek, Huron-Wendat, Haudensaunee and Oneida Peoples. In addition to loving food and taking pride in growing food that sustains people, the farm was founded on the idea that farming is a political act, one capable of creating great change.

www.rootedoak.ca | @rootedoakfarm


Sara Dent

For the past dozen years, with a team of collaborators, Sara has grown a farmer2farmer educational resource network for new and young farmers called Young Agrarians. Young Agrarians supports the next generation to access land, mentorship, business supports, on-farm training in regenerative agriculture, peer networks, and online resources. The network is coast-to-coast at the grassroots level with on-going programs across Western Canada. Sara works to develop programs and funding, manage strategic growth, and oversee the team. Across Western Canada, Young Agrarians now has twenty-eight staff. Sara has 20 years of experience in agriculture and food systems, working in the charitable sector developing programs, fundraising, farming, building community, acting as an agent for change, and is an Ashoka Fellow. 

youngagrarians.org / E-News: Sign Up / FB YoungAgrarians / IG @youngagrarians / Flickr: youngagrarians


Rudi Markoff

Chargé de projets (CREDÉTAO) – Détenteur d’un doctorat en sciences biologiques, il a étudié et publié sur la biodiversité, la dynamique forestière et les traits fonctionnels en écologie. Il travaille au CREDÉTAO comme coordonnateur de la Plateforme Maraichère des Collines à L’Ange-Gardien, de la Plateforme en agroforesterie en Papineau, et de la Plateforme des petits fruits de la Vallée-de-la-Gatineau. 

Passionné de la botanique depuis longtemps, il passe son temps libre à jardiner et apprendre sur les vivaces.

Centre de recherche et de développement technologique agricole de l’Outaouais / IG: @credetao / EM: rmarkgraf@agro-outaouais.com

Project manager (CREDÉTAO) – Holding a doctorate in biological sciences, he has studied and published on biodiversity, forest dynamics and functional traits in ecology. He works at CREDÉTAO as coordinator of the Maraichère des Collines Platform in L’Ange-Gardien, the Agroforestry Platform in Papineau, and the Small Fruits Platform in Vallée-de-la-Gatineau. 

Passionate about botany for a long time, he spends his free time gardening and learning about perennials.

Centre de recherche et de développement technologique agricole de l’Outaouais / IG: @credetao / EM: rmarkgraf@agro-outaouais.com